Sunday, September 30, 2007

Decision Being Made

My topic was about Rape and how much of a problem it is here in the United States. The statistics of this problem are fairly startling and moving enough to invite to want to help if we know someone who has been raped to know what to do next.
Rape is a type of assult where one person forces another person to have sexual intercourse against that person’s will. Rape has been a problem since about the 12th century. The most common type of rape is when a man forces a woman to have sexual intercourse against her will, but there are cases when a woman does the same to a man. There is also same sex rape, statutory rape, date rape, gang rape, marital rape, prison rape, acquaintance rape, and wartime rape. No matter what type it is raping someone is still wrong.
According to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network every two and half minutes someone is sexually assualted in America and about 44% of rapes are under the age of 18 and 80% are under the age of 30. The problem of rape occurs because it is an aggressive desire to dominate the victim rather than an attempt to achieve sexual fulfillment. Sexual fulfillment or the lack there of is where the line is drawn for rape victims. For the victims, since there is no fulfillment for them, the act of rape becomes a violent crime.
The effects of rape leave the victim with many feelings such as uncertainty, shamefulness and anger, anxiety, and many other psychological thoughts and feelings. These effects can be long term if untreated or can be short term. Also these effects can vary depending on the circumstances and the individual. For the most part many of the people who are raped feel something, and it is one thing not to ignore.
The people who are affected by rape are the victim, the person who raped victim, the friends and family of the victim, doctors if applicable and police and researchers if applicable. Since there is such a broad spectrum of who can be raped and who rapes, it is hard to determine a number of who all is and will be affected by the crime.
Some solutions to the problem of rape; the victim reporting the crime to the police, talking to someone with an unbiased opinion such as calling the national sexual assault hotline 1800-656-HOPE, learning self defense methods to use on attackers or seeking a community center geared towards their needs such as Community Violence Solutions and Rape Crisis Center.
These solutions could work to help resolve the problem of rape. Simply because it puts the victim in control of the situation and they are now able to take some sort of action against their attacker. If we can get the victim to realize that being raped was not their fault that it is their attacker’s fault, the conflict with rape could pretty much be solved.

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